Parish Councils have a number of basic responsibilities in improving the lives of local communities.  Their powers fall within three main categories: representing the whole electorate within the parish; delivering services to meet local needs; and striving to improve the quality of life in the parish.  Some examples of these powers are the provision of local youth projects, tourism activities, leisure facilities, car parks, village greens, public lavatories, litter bins, burial grounds, allotments, bus shelters, commons, open spaces, footpaths, bridleways, and crime reduction measures.  Parish Councils can also comment on planning applications – they are statutory consultees (they have to be consulted if they so wish) and can be represented at public inquiries. To meet its responsibilities Peasmarsh Parish Council works in partnership with Rother District Council and East Sussex County Council.

We have 9 councillors who are elected every 4 years. Councillors are unpaid but have the services of a part-time (45 hours per month) paid Clerk to the Council. The Council meets in public in the Memorial Hall, at 7.30pm usually on the 1st Tuesday of every month. A period is set aside near the start of each meeting, so that parishioners can comment or ask questions about any item on the agenda. There is also a Parish Assembly in April or May for all residents to attend and at which we present a summary of the Council’s activities throughout the year. District and County Councillors usually attend all of these meetings and report on the activities of their respective Councils. Notice of meetings is displayed on the parish notice boards four days before the meeting and minutes of the meetings are published on this website.

The Council has the powers to raise income by means of a precept levied on households in the parish and this is collected together with Council Tax by Rother District Council. In addition they may apply for other funding such as grants but they do not receive any funding from central government. The Council precept and expenditure is monitored annually by independent auditors.

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