Finances – Peasmarsh Parish Council

Summaries of the annual accounts and audit arrangements.

Precept and Budget
The Parish Council decides each year how much money will be needed to maintain parish assets and to contribute to approved projects. This follows a budget process and results in the calculation of the annual precept. All parish councils have the right to raise money by precept (a mandatory demand) on the district council. The precept required by Peasmarsh Parish Council is collected by Rother District Council as part of the council tax levied on tax payers in the parish.

Precept amounts:

2024/25: £37,000

2023/24: £37,000

2022/23: £37,000   

Audit arrangements
Peasmarsh Parish Council’s accounts are prepared in accordance with the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2011 (SI 817) and are subject to both internal and external audit. Our internal auditor is Mrs S Sharp of Rye, and the Government has appointed PKF Littlejohn to be our external auditor. The auditors have completed their checks for the year ending 31.3.2023 and found no matters of concern.

Account summary
The Council’s accounting year runs from 1st April to 31st March. The attached files show the unaudited summaries for year ending 31.3.2024.

These documents and any supporting information can be seen, or copies supplied (a small cost may be charged), by arrangement with the Parish Council Clerk. Please contact Mrs A Head, 15 Brickfields, Main Street, Peasmarsh, East Sussex, TN31 6SS, Tel: 07599 247180,