If you are interested in your community and what can be done to improve life for the residents of Peasmarsh, then you may want to consider becoming a parish councillor.

This page explains how you can find out more.

Councillors normally serve for a four year period following a May election. The last election was on the 4th May 2023. The next election is May 2027. Please take a look at this promotional video – https://www.dropbox.com/s/fyw4jr6sc3t9ulw/wsalc_vimeo_1.2_4k%20%28Original%29.mp4?dl=0

Vacancies may arise at other times when an existing councillor resigns. These are called casual vacancies and they are always advertised on parish notice boards and this website. Casual vacancies may be filled by a by-election or by co-option.

There is currently one vacancy, please see attached notice

The election process is administered by Rother District Council. They have an “Electoral Services” department which has responsibility to issue and receive nomination forms, and to organise the election and notify the results.

If you want to know more about the work of a councillor please contact one of your councillors, or ask the clerk for more information. She can be contacted on 07599247180 or by email to peasmarshpc@outlook.com

There is a useful publication from the National Association of Local Councils called “It Takes All Sorts” which gives information about the role of Parish Councillor. It is available here as a pdf.